a Very useful OOTB feature would be to ship a Progress bar control in K2, as a consultant this is a common thing we need to implement since customer love it and it looks really good but it's overly complicated. It would be very cool if Nintex ship...
almost 2 years ago
in SmartForms
Under Review
It is suggested to implement permissions on the individual menu items of the Workspace. This would provide the functionality to hide any menu items which are not required for the logged in user.
A PDF displayer on K2. Currently I make use of a custom made PDF Viewer that makes use of an iFrame HTML tag that reads the PDF's base64. However, the only concern is that should the Base64 be bigger than a certain amount of characters, the pdf wi...
about 3 years ago
in SmartForms
Under Review
Ability to search for a smart object across all categories
It would be nice to have the ability to search for a smart object across all categories in both the Management and Designer sites. Currently, it is very inefficient to locate a smart object by visually eyeballing long lists.
over 2 years ago
in Management
Under Review
It would be helpful if the original themes, now called as legacy themes, such as Lithium, Platinum, Platinum2, Blue Void, Leaf, etc. could be converted into new "Style Profiles" for K2 Five 5.5 and later.