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Categories SmartObjects
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 27, 2023

Auto updating Non K2 SQL Tables and Smartobjects without using Tester Tool or extra permisions


Would it be possible to cater for the following functionality in K2 on-prem?

We have developers who use Non K2 SQL Tables which are connected to K2 forms via Smartobjects (SQL Server Service). However the issue is whenever the developers need to add additional fields or change data types, they have to contact central admin to refresh the SQL Service connection and republish the Smartobjects to reflect the changes.

We cannot give the developers Security permissions to Service Instances, as this would give developers access to all objects, rather than just the specific one being worked on.

Could we please have something in K2 to allow a central admin to grant access to a Specific SQL object which auto updates the Smartobject when SQL table changes are detected, rather than requiring the Tester tool etc to refresh and republish each time a change is made to the non-k2 SQL table.

Currently, this is leading to a great loss of time. Developers are having to create everything using Smartbox, then once the form is complete, having to re-create everything again using a SQL connection and redoing all the rules before migration from dev to live - all incredibly time consuming and frustrating.


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    Codi Kaji
    Oct 2, 2023

    This should be possible using the Service Instance security feature, released in 5.6. - as long as each SQL instance is defined to only give access to what a developer is updating, and you grant security to update said instance, this should meet your needs. It will not auto-update without updating the SQL instance, this is by design so that your running workflows and integrations do not update without your involvement.