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Add Error Logging for Large SmartObject Data Retrievals

When a SmartObject retrieves a substantial volume of data, it can cause significant performance strain on the server. This is particularly evident when the data size exceeds thresholds like 500 MB or 1 GB, which may result in high CPU usage and po...
Guest 3 months ago in SmartObjects 0

K2 OData Service Broker for Version 4 and JSON Request/Response

It would be a good improvement to add a new Service Broker for OData which support the Version 4 because the current only support the Version 3. Further this new Service Broker should can handle Request and Response in JSON and not only in XML. Be...
Guest over 1 year ago in SmartObjects 2 Open for voting

Using Azure Document Intelligence, allow users to upload printed forms to generate SmartObjects

A usual use case for automating a manual process that involves printed forms as input, a user needs to create SmartObjects first in order to utilize the generation capabilities of the K2 Designer. Using Azure's Document Intelligence service, the K...
Neil Craig 3 months ago in SmartObjects 0

ODATA major security flaw

We just realized that by adding SmartObjects to the SmartObject OData API we'll bypass any category security settings in K2 configured for this SmartObject or in other words: anyone is able to read any data from the added SmartObjects. In our exam...
Guest over 5 years ago in SmartObjects 1

PowerBI integration

Like how SSRS is integrated with K2, but just for PowerBI. Considering that SSRS components are legacy and is as good as it currently will be.
Guest 12 months ago in SmartObjects 0

GPDR related data deletion not available

Apparently there is no official way to remove the serverlog data of completed process instances, but the system saves the name and FQN of the originator of any process in those tables. So basically this means K2 is not GPDR compliant which is quit...
Guest 8 months ago in SmartObjects 0

Auto updating Non K2 SQL Tables and Smartobjects without using Tester Tool or extra permisions

Hi, Would it be possible to cater for the following functionality in K2 on-prem? We have developers who use Non K2 SQL Tables which are connected to K2 forms via Smartobjects (SQL Server Service). However the issue is whenever the developers need ...
Guest over 1 year ago in SmartObjects 1 Already Exists

Date Column in Export to Excel feature

Currently, the listview with datetime column exported is converted to UTC timezone without acknowledgement to user. (Like no UTC word or anything in exported col) However, the user always intends to export listview data based on WYSIWYG. Since Exp...
Guest almost 2 years ago in SmartObjects 0

Display a confirmation dialog after clicking "Remove All" while editing SmartObject properties

In a new 5.7 deployment, while creating a new SmartObject a designer must add new properties. Since the Remove All option is always visible, even while creating a new field, I have accidentally clicked on the Remove All option and erased all previ...
Guest over 1 year ago in SmartObjects 0

Business log for interface calls

Need a business log for interface calls. The smartobject runtime logging maybe help, but they have some problem with that (• no settings to what smartobject log...
Guest over 3 years ago in SmartObjects 0