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Docker & Kubernetes Support for K2 Platform

Modern enterprises are rapidly adopting containerization to streamline deployment, enhance scalability, and improve resource utilization. Adding Docker support for K2 would enable: Simplified deployment and maintenance cycles Consistent environmen...
Dan Stoll 21 days ago in Other 0 Open for voting

Don't allow the run on Installer in case of windows service issue The specified service has been marked for deletion

Sometime we can got issue during Fix pack installation or update execution (possible issue too during change license from dev to production one): In installation log file: 15:25:24:>> ProcessWrapper.Execute: Arguments: description "K2 Config...
Guest 9 days ago in Other 0

Allow for control over logging level on specific errors

Some common errors can fill up log files making it harder to see other errors that need to be addresses, such as the errors logged when the conditional start rule of a workflow has not been met. Being able to change the logging level on errors lik...
Guest 6 months ago in Other 0

UI to assist with database migration

Migrating K2 database currently requires following the steps in this KB: The migration involve manually running some Powershell commands, which may be ...
Guest 10 months ago in Other 0

Style Profile Save as Option in K2 Designer

Have the possibility to copy/save as an existing style profile so changes can be made and saved/used as a new one.This comes in handy when you need to apply a new style with minor changes of an existing one.
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 1 Planned

document generator

Would be nice if K2 had a built in document generator like doc gen in Nintex workflow for 0365 & NWC, where one could create a template and use variables in them, instead of the current document feature which just looks like it takes a screen ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Other 0

"Update Password" option in Setup Manager

Currently, in order to update the K2 service account password you must choose the "Configure" option. "Configure" touches many parts of K2 that are unnecessary for a password change and can unintentionally alter various environment settings. Addit...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Other 0

K2 License Expiry Alerts

We would like to request for an expansion in the K2 License Expiry notification period,So that expiry the alerts would be received much earlier: We would therefore like to suggest: 1) An automated email alert notification to both the JSE (include ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 0

Generate proper Documents (Word etc.)

Generate proper Documents like Word, PDF etc. based on a Template. (Like the DocGen but for K2 Five)
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 0

K2 Setup Manager to support migration from on premise K2 database to Azure SQL database

It would be great if the K2 Setup Manager supported the moving of an on-premise K2 database to Azure SQL OOTB.
Guest over 1 year ago in Other 0