when designing something, we try out many things, some work out, some dont so we get back a few steps and redesign. In k2 designer we scrap all already implemented ideas since the last checkout because a change of table didnt work out as expected ...
Our IT Security demands TLS 1.3 support for all new systems or platforms in best case in conjunction with HTTP/3. For existing systems they will come around next year. Is there a plan by when Nintex Automation On-Prem will fully support TLS 1.3 an...
In K2 5.8 the new feature for Form Translations works by determining the language from the "Accept-Language" value within the HTTP Header, which is a configuration setting of the browser. This works great, however it would be even better if we hav...
It would be helpful if the original themes, now called as legacy themes, such as Lithium, Platinum, Platinum2, Blue Void, Leaf, etc. could be converted into new "Style Profiles" for K2 Five 5.5 and later.