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Docker & Kubernetes Support for K2 Platform

Modern enterprises are rapidly adopting containerization to streamline deployment, enhance scalability, and improve resource utilization. Adding Docker support for K2 would enable: Simplified deployment and maintenance cycles Consistent environmen...
Dan Stoll 21 days ago in Other 0 Open for voting

K2 OData Service Broker for Version 4 and JSON Request/Response

It would be a good improvement to add a new Service Broker for OData which support the Version 4 because the current only support the Version 3. Further this new Service Broker should can handle Request and Response in JSON and not only in XML. Be...
Guest over 1 year ago in SmartObjects 2 Open for voting

Style profile - CSS / JS Files upload

It would be really usefull to have the possibility to directly upload a JS or CSS file to a Style Profile (instead of only beeing able to add it as a link) This would be a major change for some customers when we don't have access to the K2 Server ...
Guest over 2 years ago in SmartForms 0 Open for voting